第205回 遺伝子機能解析部門セミナー
(第323回 細胞工学研究会講演会)
演題 Sperm guidance in mammals
Professor Michael Eisenbach (Department of Biological Chemistry, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)
Unlike a dogma that prevailed until not-too-long-ago, mammalian sperm cells must be guided for reaching the egg in the female genital tract. The guidance involves long-range and short-range mechanisms, which include thermotaxis and chemotaxis, respectively. In the talk I will address and resolve a number of major questions related to these two processes. Two examples: What are the identities of the thermosensors and the signaling pathway that endow mammalian sperm cells with the puzzling capacity to respond to temperature changes as small as <0.0006°C? How do mammalian sperm cells sense a concentration gradient of a chemoattractant and respond to it?


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